What are Bella prescription contact lenses?

Bella Prescription Lenses represent the prescription version of Bella Colored Contact Lenses, catering to individuals requiring vision correction while embracing the desire for beauty and perfection simultaneously. These lenses not only enhance your vision but also elevate your beauty, liberating you from the need for glasses.

What collections of Bella lenses have prescription option ?

Bella Prescription Lenses are available based on your eyesight prescription. You can choose your required degrees and preferred color from Elite, Diamond, Glow and Contour Collections.

Bella Daily Prescription Lenses are only available for wholesale orders. To obtain a quote contact us at sales@bellalense.com

What is the degree range available for Bella Prescription lenses?


-0.50 to -4.00, quarter steps

-4.00 to -8.00, half steps

+0.50 to +4.00, half steps



Diameter: 14.5mm

Note* positive degrees for Contour Green and Contour Gray are from +0.50 to +3.00

What are the usage limits for Bella Prescription Color Lenses?  

Each box contains 2 lenses to wear for up to 3 months.